
Sumukha specializes in engineering, design, fabrication and assembly of process modules. Sumukha offers integrated steel construction services from a single source. Professional services include design-build, design-assist, engineering, Product manufacturing, 3D steel modeling/detailing, fabrication, advanced field erection, project management, and Technical metal sales consultant.

  • With metal FABRICATION, we take raw materials and bend, roll and WELD them into a finished piece down to the unique specifications you need for your project.
  • For heavy metal fabrication, Sumukha Welding creates the majority of the project in our Heavy Fab facility located in Dabaspet-Bangalore. Our Heavy Fab facility has space, proper equipment, and capabilities to produce an oversized fabrication project.
  • Sumukha has a dedicated Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) in-house that inspects every project.
  • Sumukha’s in-house certified welding inspector are certified according to ISO 5817 level-C to fulfil EN-1090-2 Exc-3 European standard welding requirements and has the ability to ensure that your fabrication project adheres to all the requirements before, during, and after your project is completed.
  • Our CWI inspects the requirements and welding codes of a project before any work is completed. They also review all the documents and testing records of anyone working on the project to make sure they are certified to perform the work – before the work begins. These checks and balances help ensure your fabrication project has the right people, material, and certifications all lined up before work begins.
  • An inspector follows the project throughout, helping make adjustments to make sure that SUMUKHA Welding’s high-quality standards are met.
  • Having a CWI on staff helps us continue to maintain best practices and safety standards for our staff and your fabrication project.

Finishing Services

Grit blasting, Hot Dip Galvanising, spray galvanise and spray painting.Our business relationships with qualified suppliers and subcontractors, you benefit from a reliable and efficient supply chain at competitive costs. Our teams are proactive, flexible and available, adapting to your requirements and specifications. In addition, Sumukha is constantly on the lookout for new partners to innovate and bring added value to your projects.


Sumukha has a quality management system and complies with the highest standards. Our commitment to delivering superior quality parts is at the heart of all our operations. Our quality assurance department consisting of certified NDT inspectors, mechanical engineers and technicians, is involved in every project and conduct extensive testing and inspections. Our priority is the total respect of your requirements.