Quality Assurance

Sumukha has a quality management system and complies with the highest standards. Our commitment to delivering superior quality parts is at the heart of all our operations. Our quality assurance department consisting of certified NDT inspectors, mechanical engineers and technicians, is involved in every project and conduct extensive testing and inspections. Our priority is the total respect of your requirements. Our QA team ensure the following:

  • The products are in compliance with all specifications.
  • The products present a low percentage/ZERO of defects.
  • The products and materials are under tolerance.
  • Packaging and/or packing materials suffer no damages.
  • Delivery times meet customer expectations.

The following are best practices our QA team follows to ensure the best manufacturing practices and good quality Assurance in our business/products:good quality products in your business:

  • Standardize and reduce variability of our manufacturing / service processes and products.
  • Create a team-work atmosphere and training our members continuously.
  • Put in place strategic KPI.
  • Keep records updated.
  • Introduce a Continuous Improvement Philosophy in your organization.